Steve Million (R. Brecker, C. Potter, M. Moore, R. Vincent)
Thanks A Million
Truth Is
Steve Lehman (J. Finlayson, C. Dingman, D. Gress, T. Sorey)
On Meaning
Steve Lantner Trio (J. Morris - Bass, L. Cook)
Saying So
Steve Lacy (Solo)
Snips (Live At Environ)
Steve Lacy (S. Potts, I. Aebi, K. Carter, O. Johnson)
In Berlin / Solo & Quintet
Steve Klink (H. Gailing, G. Hutchinson)
Blue Suit
Steve Gorn (S. Chatterjee, A. Adami)
Parampara! In Memory Of Gour Goswami
Stephen Crump / Steve Lehman
Kaleidoscope And Collage
Stephanie Schlesinger (B. Degen, I. Eckinger, W. Lackerschmid)
What Love Is
Stephane Belmondo & Sylvain Luc
Stephane Belmondo
Love For Chet
Stephan Wittwer / Martin Schütz / Paul Lovens
Stephan Wittwer (Solo Guitar)
World Of Strings
Sten Sandell Trio (J. Berthling, P. Nilssen-Love)
Stella Almondo (piano)
Passion (Blumenfeld, Rachmaninoff, Scriabine)
Stefano Bollani Trio (J. Bodilsen, M. Lund) V. Peirani, Members Of The Berliner Philharmoniker, G. Lysne - cond.
Jazz At Berlin Philharmonic VIII / Mediterraneo
Stefano Bagnoli
Stefan Zeniuk & Gato Loco
Gato Loco
The Enchanted Messa (After Giuseppe Verdi)
Stefan F. Winter (H. Robertson, T. Berne, R. Eubanks, B. Stewart, B. Frisell, W. Smith, A. Cox, R. Nicholson)
The Little Trumpet
Steelpans Calypsonians And Blue Devils
Carnival In Trinidad
Stano Paluch & Nothing But Swing Trio (K. Kovac, R. Ragan, P. Solarik)
Stano Paluch & Nothing But Swing Trio