Steve Million (R. Brecker, C. Potter, M. Moore, R. Vincent)
Steve Lehman (J. Finlayson, C. Dingman, D. Gress, T. Sorey)
Steve Lantner Trio (J. Morris - Bass, L. Cook)
Steve Lacy (Solo)
Steve Lacy (S. Potts, I. Aebi, K. Carter, O. Johnson)
Steve Klink (H. Gailing, G. Hutchinson)
Steve Gorn (S. Chatterjee, A. Adami)
Stephen Crump / Steve Lehman
Stephanie Schlesinger (B. Degen, I. Eckinger, W. Lackerschmid)
Stephane Belmondo & Sylvain Luc
Stephane Belmondo
Stephan Wittwer / Martin Schütz / Paul Lovens
Stephan Wittwer (Solo Guitar)
Sten Sandell Trio (J. Berthling, P. Nilssen-Love)
Stella Almondo (piano)
Stefano Bollani Trio (J. Bodilsen, M. Lund) V. Peirani, Members Of The Berliner Philharmoniker, G. Lysne - cond.
Stefano Bagnoli
Stefan Zeniuk & Gato Loco
Stefan F. Winter (H. Robertson, T. Berne, R. Eubanks, B. Stewart, B. Frisell, W. Smith, A. Cox, R. Nicholson)
Steelpans Calypsonians And Blue Devils
Stano Paluch & Nothing But Swing Trio (K. Kovac, R. Ragan, P. Solarik)