Andrew Cyrille / Anthony Braxton
Duo Palindrome 2002 Part1
Anthony Braxton / Andrew Cyrille
Duo Palindrome 2002 Part 2
Elliott Sharp / Malvin Gibbs / Lance Carter
Raw Meet
Larry Ochs / Joan Jeanrenaud / Miya Masaoka
Fly Fly Fly
Lucas Niggli Zoom Ensemble (N. Wogram, P. Schaufelberger, C. Puntin, P. Herbert, P. Minton, Ensemble Neue Musik Zurich)
Hans Koch / Martin Schütz / Fredy Studer
Life Tied
Phil Minton / Veryan Weston
Ways Out East, Ways Out West
Irene Schweizer / Omri Ziegele
Where'S Africa
Gabriela Friedli / Co Streiff / Jan Schlegel / Dieter Ulrich
Objects Trouves Fragile
Fred Frith / Carla Kihlstedt / Stevie Wishart
The Compass, Log And Lead
Jacques Demierre / Barry Guy / Lucas Niggli
Aki Takase / Lauren Newton
Spring In Bangkok
Omri Ziegele Billiger Bauer (J. Wickihalder, B. Göttert, G. Friedli, J. Schlegel, H. Kramis, M. Käppeli, D. Ulrich)
Edges & Friends
Pierre Favre / Yang Jing
Two In One
Tales From 30 Unintentional Nights
Co Streiff Sextet (T. Meier, R. Johnson, B. Jeger, C. Weber, F. Flükiger)
Loops, Holes, Angels
Sten Sandell Trio (J. Berthling, P. Nilssen-Love)
Ulrich Gumpert Quartette (B. Abarbanel-Wolff, J. Roder, M. Griener)
Ulrich Gumpert Quartette
Maybe Monday (F. Frith, M, Masaoka, L. Ochs, G. Hemingway, C. Kihlstedt, I. Mori, Z. Parkins)
Jürg Wickihalder / Chris Wiesendanger
A Feeling For Someone
Doppelmoppel (C. Bauer, J. Bauer, U. Kropinski, J. Sachse)
Outside This Area
Louis Moholo Duets With Marilyn Crispell
Moholo (Sibanye - We Are One)
Elliott Sharp
Concert In Dachau
Aki Takase / Rudi Mahall