Human Feel (A. D'Angelo, C. Speed, K. Rosenwinkel, J. Black)
Brad Shepik & The Commuters (P. Epstein, T. Scherr, K. Wollesen, S. Salifoski)
Jerry Granelli & Badlands (C. Speed, P. Epstein, B. Krauss, C. Hasselbring, J. Saft , J.A. Granelli)
Wayne Horvitz And Zony Mash (Tim Young - G, Keith Lowe - B, Andy Roth - Dr)
Talking Pictures (R. Samworth, B. Clark, D. Van Der Schyff & Jorrit Dijkstra)
Bernstein, Steven (P. Calogero, Dj Bonebreak, D. Piltch, D. Frankel)
Archie Shepp And The Full Moon Ensemble (A. Shorter, C. Thornton, J. Dejean, B. Guerin, C. Delcloo)