Various Artists: Muntu (J. Moondoc, R. Campbell, W. Parker, R. Bakr), D. Burrell / T. Brown, B. Bang Trio, D. Ewart Quintet, M. Shipp String Trio, K. Borca Quartet, E. Christi Quartet, K. Jordan / F. Anderson Quartet, P. Kowald
Michael Wollny Trio (T. Lefebvre, E. Schaefer)

Michael Wollny Trio (T. Lefebvre, E. Schaefer)

Weltentraum Live / Philharmonie Berlin

Terri Lyne Carrington

Terri Lyne Carrington

The Act Years

Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic
Jelle Van Giel Group

Jelle Van Giel Group

Songs For Everyone

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