Vittorio & Lorenzo Ghielmi, Il Suonar Parlante

Vittorio & Lorenzo Ghielmi, Il Suonar Parlante

Jan Sebastian Bach - Die Kunst Der Fuge

Various Artists

Various Artists

New Computer Music: Clarence Barlow - Computer And Digital Synthesizer, Michael Riessler - Bass Clarinett, Jaki Liebezeit - Percussion, Martin Amlin - Piano...

Various Artists

Various Artists

Computer Music Currents 2

Various Artists

Various Artists

Computer Music Currents 3

Various Artists

Various Artists

Computer Music Currents 5

Various Artists

Various Artists

Computer Music Currents 10

Various Artists

Various Artists

Computer Music Currents 11

Various Artists

Various Artists

Computer Music Currents 12

Various Artists

Various Artists

Computer Music Currents 13 / Historical Cd Of Digital Sound Synthesis

Various Artists

Various Artists

Reading Castaneda

Various Artists

Various Artists

James Joyce, Marcel Duchamp, Erik Satie: An Alphabet

Ursina Caflisch: Alte Tonhalle Organ Neumunster Zurich

Ursina Caflisch: Alte Tonhalle Organ Neumunster Zurich

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger - Sonaten Fur Orgel

Uri Caine

Uri Caine

The Drummer Boy [compilation Of Uri'S Mahler Adaptations]

Toscanini - Conductor, Carnegie Hall 1953

Toscanini - Conductor, Carnegie Hall 1953

Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony, Romeo & Juliet.

Todd Seelye - Guitar

Todd Seelye - Guitar

Mamlok, Babbitt, Wuorinen

The Kalichstein / Laredo / Robinson Trio

The Kalichstein / Laredo / Robinson Trio

Beethoven: Piano Trios (Vol. 2): The Complete Cycle Of Trios: Op. 1 No 1-3, Op. 11, Trio In B-Flet Woo 39

Terry King - Cello

Terry King - Cello

Copland: Lament & Poeme; Piatigorsky: Preludio, Prayer, Syrinx &stroll; Gershwin: Three Preludes, Etc.

Teodoro Anzellotti / Arditti String Quartet / Rohan De Saram

Teodoro Anzellotti / Arditti String Quartet / Rohan De Saram

Matthias Pintscher - Figura I-V, Quartetto Ritratto Di Gesualdo, Dernier Espace
