Franco Ambrosetti (J. Scofield, G. Allen, M. Formanek, D. Humair, J. Gonzalez)
Heinz Sauer / Bob Degen / Isla Eckinger / Makaya Ntshoko
Makaya & The Tsotsis
Ray Anderson (K. Barron, C. Mcbee, D. Richmond)
Old Bottles New Wine
Revolutionary Ensemble (L. Jenkins, Sirone, J. Cooper)
Revolutionary Ensemble
Ku-Umba Frank Lacy Trio (M Carvin, F. Hopkins) Feat F. Lacy Sr.
Tonal Weights & Blue Fire
Marty Cook Group (M. Waters, P. Grabowsky, E. Schuller, A. Lewis)
Ed Schuller & Band (G. Osby, G. Valente, B. Bickford, V. Jones, A. Tuncboyaci)
The Eleventh Hour
Noma Kosazana & Uli Lenz
Trouble In Paradise
Nicolas Simion Quartet (T. Stanko, E. Schuller, P. Heral)
Dinner For Don Carlos
Ed Schuller (D. Redman, B. Bickford, P. Motian)
Nicolas Simion Quartet (T. Stanko, E. Schuller, V. Jones)
Transylvanian Dance
Uli Lenz Trio (E. Schuller, V. Jones)
Echoes Of Mandela
Nicolas Simion Group (C. Muthspiel, E. Schuller, P. Perfido, A.B. Thomas, J. Haddad) Feat. Tomasz Stanko
Viaggio Imaginario
Nomakosazana & Uli Lenz (T. Ott)
Art Of The Duo - Tenderness
Geoff Goodman / Bernd Hess / Shankar Lal / Tobias Ott
Tabla & Strings: Islands Everywhere
Geoff Goodman Quintet (R. Mahal, F. Wahnschaffe, H. Sieverts, P. Perfido)
Naked Eye
Uli Lenz Trio (E. Schuller, J. Betsch)
Good-Bye Venus
Francois Jenneau & Uli Lenz
Art Of The Duo Live At A-Trane, Berlin / Walking In The Wind
Ed Schuller & The Reunion Trio (J. Lovano, P. Motian)
Serendipity / Live At The A-Trane, Berlin
Geoff Warren
Flute Fables
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Reckless Things