Canzione Grecanico Salentino
Renaud Garcia-Fons / Claire Antonini
Trio Zephyr (D. Chomel, M. Diaques, C. Menguy)
Sebastian Cruz
Harald Weiss
David Hopkins
Harald Weiss / Gundula Bernholt / Stefanie Kuhne / Karin Fischer /Traute Folls / Ana Hertz / Jelena Mitschke / Camerata Vocale Hannover
Music From Nature: Waldkonzert
Music From Nature: Nachtigall
Music From Nature: Kraniche
Music From Nature: Meistersinger
Music From Nature: Waldamsel / Morgenstandchen
Music From Nature: Winter At Lake Constance
Music From Nature: Opera Of Birds
Octagon (K. Rössler, J. Vogt, U. Kreidler, W. Goos, G. Lenz)
Prima Carezza (M.P. Neftel, K. Neftel, C. House, C. Ogg, W. Pipczynski, F. Greder, T. Schabenberger)
Salvador El Negro Ojeda / Jose Luis Santiago / Al Golpe Del Guatime
The Lara Brothers
Theo Bleckmann & Kneebody (B. Wendel, S. Endsley, A. Benjamin, K. Rastegar, N. Wood)
Andres Linetzky'S Vale Tango
Carlos Moscardini (L. Jury)