Gary Thomas (G. Colligan, M. Sewell, J. Lamkin Iii, Ransom, Maysa, Jovanotti, Barrikade, Pork Chop, Godfaddah, Mustapha, No Name, Lean-Nut)
Gary Thomas
Found On Sordid Streets
Gary Smulyan Quartet (M. Ledonne, P. Washington, K. Washington + String Orchestra)
Gary Smulyan With Strings
Gary Peacock / Marc Copland
Gang Font Feat. Interloper (G. Norton, C. Taborn, D. King, E. Fratzke)
Gang Font Feat. Interloper
Gail Thompson Jazz Africa All Nations Big Band
Jadu (Jazz Africa Down Under)
Gail Thompson (T. Harris, J. Underwood, M. Parlett, J. Mckay, C. Deppa, H. Beckett, P. Hartley, M. Africa, L. Ranku, M. Castronari, C. Alleyne, J. Legwabe Esq.)
Jazz Africa
Gabrielle Mirabassi (L. Biondini, M. Godard)
Latakia Blend
Gabriele Goodman (D. Alias, D. Bunn, T. Bunn, M. Cain, A. Cox, K. Eubanks, M. Feldman, B. Miles, W. Muthspiel, R. Rodriguez, G. Thomas, B. Williams)
Travelin' Light
Gabriela Friedli / Co Streiff / Jan Schlegel / Dieter Ulrich
Objects Trouves Fragile
Fumio Yasuda & Theo Bleckmann (Akimuse, C. Burhans, D. Gress, B. Hilash, J. Hollenbeck, R. Kodheli, J. Lawry)
Mother Goose'S Melodies
Fumanek (M. Diouf, W. Kiniorski, T. Sudnik)
Froy Aagre (A. Ulvo, A. Ellingsen, F. Wike)
Cycle Of Silence
Frigg (B. Bell, S. Hilken, H. Nonnenmacher, J. Kupke, B. Wrede)
Fresu, Paolo Devil Quartet (B. Ferra, P.D. Porta, S. Bagnoli)
Carpe Diem
Fred Frith Maybe Monday (M. Masaoka, L. Ochs, J. Jeanrenaud)
Digital Wildlife
Fred Frith / Carla Kihlstedt / Stevie Wishart
The Compass, Log And Lead
Fred Frith (W. Fei, A. Krishan, M. Gilmore, T. Müller, P. Scanlon, D. Cattivelli)
Clearing Customs
Fred Frith (K. Hofler, B. Settelmeyer, W. Stryi)
Rivers And Tides
Fred Frith (Arditti String Quartet, Uwe U. Dierksen, W. Winant)
Eleventh Hour (2CD)
Fred Anderson (H. Bankhead, T. Daisy)
Staying In The Game
Frank Woeste (E. Vloeimans, R. Khoury, J. Herne, S. Galland, O. Woeste, Children's Choir Maitrise des Hauts-de-Seine)
Pocket Rhapsody II
Frank Möbus Der Rote Bereich (R. Mahall, J. Schröder)
Live In Montreux
Francois Jenneau & Uli Lenz
Art Of The Duo Live At A-Trane, Berlin / Walking In The Wind